
What is Cupping?

Cupping has been used globally for thousands of years to treat various conditions. Cupping is the application of suction through a glass or plastic cup to the body. Depending on the condition, the cups may stay in place for 10-15 minutes or they will be moved over an area of the body in a technique known as moving or sliding cups. Cupping draws Qi, blood, and fluid to the surface where they can be dispersed with massage, Tui Na, and topical linaments to relieve pain and help relieve congestion in the lungs. It feels like having a deep tissue massage in a few minutes. Most of the time the body gets pressed or stretched but it rarely gets lifted. This gentle pulling up of the skin, muscle, and fluid releases the muscle and fascial adhesions that can form in our bodies over time. This can allow your muscle and connective tissue to move freely and reduce pain.